Syntek DC-1125 Camera Driver Project

Our target 174f:a311 (and 174f:a821 and 05E1:0501) - Syntek Semicon USB2.0 Video - on Linux Logo
Project News

 Release 1.4.0 is out
  The driver version 1.4.0 is officially available from our sourceforge files section. Go and grab it and report bugs :) The camera should work with kernel 2.6.27.
2008-11-23 - Nicolas VIVIEN

 Release 1.3.0 is out
  You're welcome to report more stuff that works.
2008-02-05 - Nicolas VIVIEN

 Release 1.2.0 is out
  You're welcome to report more stuff that works.
2007-11-23 - Nicolas VIVIEN

 Release 1.1.0 is out
  The driver version 1.1.0 is officially available from our sourceforge files section. Go and grab it and report bugs :) The camera should work with camorama, xawtv/motv, mplayer/mencoder, vlc and probably some other v4l/v4l2 tools. You're welcome to report more stuff that works.
2007-09-01 - Nicolas VIVIEN

 First official version is out
  The driver version 1.0.0 is officially available from our sourceforge files section. Go and grab it and report bugs :) The camera should at least work with camorama, xawtv/motv (up to a level), mplayer and probably some other v4l/v4l2 tools. You're welcome to report more stuff that works. Don't forget to send your thanks to Nicolas who has given his arm and leg to make all of this work.
2007-05-17 - kulminaator

 Work continues in the svn tree
  I'm truelly sorry for my absence from the development work lately, but my timelines just don't bend enough to sit down and throw hours at testing the codepieces. However thanks to Nicolas and other contributors the code in svn is not dying, far from that. Everybody give Nicolas & co a big hug please. And don't forget to checkout the svn every now and then and report back what works/doesn't work.
2007-02-28 - kulminaator

 Success, at least somewhat...
  Nicolas has put much effort into packing our code into a kernel driver format. Thanks a bunch Nicolas :) The code is in the svn tree and under development, heavy heavy development (at least in the sense of unstability :p). You should be able to get it to compile and insert it into the kernel, v4l apps should work, at least for some period of time, but v4l2 is not there yet. Please use extreme caution since we have seen crashes on the kernel and it may and probably will make your machine very unstable once it falls out of sync. Other than that have fun. Test, let us know in the forums.
2007-01-31 - kulminaator

 Logfile hunt
  There is a request for a special logfile on the forum from Nicolas, please everyone who has the device with bcdDevice 0.01 download the latest driver from Asus website and make a log with it. We need it to make the initialization scripts complete. Also, if your device is external or has a bcdDevice other than 0.01 or 0.05, please take up a thread on the forum.
2006-11-15 - kulminaator

 Great news for all of us
  The testing application was more or less a success, we have already grabbed first image files from the video stream provided and are currently pinpointing the mistakes here and there. Nicolas has identified where the control over brightness and contrast are done, but how exactly the values work we don't know yet. Nicolas is also preparing the linux kernel skeleton for the camera. We'll keep you posted once it is ready for public use (read: doesn't crash your machine right away).
2006-10-29 - kulminaator

 Testapp version 001 is out, codename Break A Leg
  Testing app there for download. It's unstable, it can crash your machine, it can have bugs. Release name is very intentional, you'd better know what you are doing. However, have fun.
2006-10-25 - kulminaator

 Testapp provides some logfiles
  My testing application is finally getting into a proper shape, i have created some quite clean logfiles and uploaded them into sourceforge, the format should be quite easy to read. Anyone who is willing to put a little time into it, please throw a look at the 'big chunks of data' and see what you can figure out.
2006-10-15 - kulminaator

 Logfiles arrived :)
  We received first log files from usb snooping on Win. Thanks to Anders for providing them, they provide excellent intel on the issues that we have to face. I still have some corner cases to knock out in the way that Win handles the interrupt and isonchronous pipes on the device, but I can say that we are in good shape. For all the users that want to prepare their machines for testing, make sure your kernel supports isonchronous transfers > 1023 bytes, from the original kernel sources this means using a version 2.6.18 or higher.
2006-10-02 - kulminaator

 Website up on SourceForge, let the fun begin
  Our website is finally up on SourceForge, it isn't much of use yet, but we'll try to improve it as much as possible and needed. Get your usb snooping logfiles out, we need every bit of information that we can get.
2006-09-30 - kulminaator

 Website in development
  We have started development on our website, let's cross the fingers that it will be up soon and we can focus on creating a friendly community around the driver development
2006-09-28 - kulminaator

 First lines of C code
  Our initial userland utilities are on their way, the device finder is ready, also an utility to reset the device incase our 'animal tests' are too brutal.
2006-09-27 - kulminaator

STK DC-1125/DC-1135 Driver homepage, page shown @ 2025-03-28 05:52:51